>I am Moving!!

>I am still here, but i am not stitching at the moment as it has been a mad rush. To find a house that the rooms are bigger than a box has been hard, they were either far too small and expensive to rent, only for 6 months, or just right but way off our budget. So after months of looking and stressing  i can finally say we have got one!!
10 more days and were moving so now is the dubious task of packing. We have only been here 2 1/2 years and to say we had nothing after the house fire, how the hell did we manage to accumulate so much crap!!

So i have made a start on throwing out all the things that the kids have kept and not thrown out and trying to decide what we actually need and what i can make a start on packing. Next Saturday can not come soon enough, the days are dragging and i wish we could move this week!

I will have no internet for about 3 weeks when we move too so how we will cope we don’t know, but hopefully my stitching mojo will have returned and i will have lots of updates to show. Now i am off to wade through all the things the kids have decided to keep and throw out, and what’s betting that i will make a few changes there!

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